Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cauliflower Masala


  • Cauliflower 1
  • Tomato 1 big
  • Onion 1 big
  • Crushed ginger 1 Tsp
  • Crushed garlic 1 Tsp
  • Pepper pdr 1/2 Tsp
  • Turmeric pdr 14 Tsp
  • Chilly pdr 1/2 Tsp
  • Meat masala 3 Tsp
  • Mustard seeds
  • Curry leaves
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Oil
Clean and cut the cauliflower into small pieces and soak it in hot water for 10 min. Drain out the water and marinate the cauliflower with salt, chilly pdr and turmeric pdr. Keep it for 15 min. Shallow fry it and keep it aside. Heat oil in a kadai and add mustard seeds. Allow it to splutter and add curryleaves, chopped onion, crushed ginger, garlic and salt. Saute till the onion becomes transluscent. Reduce the heat and add the meat masala and pepper pdr. Mix it well and add the chopped tomato into this. Add little water and cook well. Then add the shallow fried cauliflower and combine well. Add rqd amount of salt and water and cook it. Remove the lid and saute it for few mins till it becomes dry.

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  1. This looks so tempting! The picture speaks for itself...yummy.

  2. Umm looks spicy and tempting.
    Take care of urself! Keep us posted when the baby arrives.:)

  3. Very very luscious prep...... I love cauliflower in gravy with its juice oozing out.... Hmmm..... Yum! with rotis...... :-)


  4. Slurppp!!wat a droolworthy gobi masala..

  5. Thats a good one...meat masala ennu vecha garam masala aano kunje?....i love gobi....

  6. Great looking cauliflower masala Tina..Looks perfect with rotis..

    By the way, hope you are doing good..TC

    Kairali sisters

  7. Best for rotis....drooling over the pic!

  8. Drooling over the pic !
    It looks delicious ...

  9. wat a click...i will take a spoonful with my chapati. Thanks for this delicious recipe da

  10. hello tina, me just had cauliflower with aloo... and saw ur recipe....... yummy!!!! keep it up!!!

  11. Will polish the whole plate in no time! *wink*

  12. kidilam recipe... love the bright yellow color of the dish!

  13. hw r u dear? u will be countg days nah?? will remember u in prayers..
    still cooking or is it from drafts..anyway adipoli ayitundu.

  14. This looks so yummy. Beautiful Click!

  15. Hmmmmm................Super..kanumbol kodiyavunnu...

  16. Turmeric pdr 14 Tsp .. is this the right amount ?

  17. Wow it looked like gravy gobi manchurian initially, and its so rich and creamy !

  18. ็Hi Tina,
    Your recipe is helpful for myself. Last week I used your recipe cook for our Indian guest, who need only vegetarian. He surprise that I can cook Indian dish...hihihi...I will use another vegetarian recipe of you again. Thank you for sharing!!! ;)
