Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hershey's Chocolate Cake... and a short break...!!

This is especially for celebrating my darling hubby's birthday....!! All are welcome to join in....!!

...and, I would like to mention to all my blogger friends that I would be taking a break for the new arrival in my family which is due in July....!! I am really looking forward to it. However, I will be posting recipes regularly but may not be able to respond to your queries soon enough... hope you will all continue to support me, as you have always done, during this time as well....!!

  • All purpose flour 1 3/4 cup
  • Cocoa pdr 3/4 cup
  • Baking pdr 1 1/2 Tsp
  • Baking soda 1 1/2 Tsp
  • Sugar 2 cup
  • Vegetable oil 1/2 cup
  • Vanilla essence 2 Tsp
  • Boiling water 1 cup
  • Milk 1 cup
  • Salt 1 Tsp
  • Egg 2
Preheat the oven to 180 deg C or 350 deg F. Grease two 9 inch pans and keep it aside. Combine the dry ingredients in a big bowl. Then add the wet ingredients except boiling water into it and beat for 2 mins in med speed. Stir in boiling water and combine well. Pour it into the greased pan and bake it for 30 to 35 mins. Transfer it onto the wire rack and cool it.

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  1. Very lovely cake.Happy Birthday wishes to your husband and Best wishes to you in this beautiful journey.Take good rest.

  2. Tina...Happy birthday wishes to Noble...And our prayers, love and support will be with you always....

    Kairali sisters

  3. that a delicious cake for u hubby..have a safe delivery and too share the snaps if possible..will be waiting for more yummy dishes from ur kitchen..take care:)

  4. That's grt news!Congratz! All my wishes are with u dear!

  5. best wishes dear... enjoi and take good care of yourself...

  6. Two sweet news together,birthday wishes to your hubby tina.Congratulations,take good care of your health.Delectable cake n very much irresistible.

  7. Hey Tina..congarts and take care..
    Cake looks so delicious...

  8. Chocolate cake looks delicious.Happy Birthday to your hubby.Wishing you all the best for a safe and happy delivery.

  9. Oh Tina, take care of ur health so happy to know this... Chocolate cake looks truly fabulous and super delicious..Happy birthday to ur better half..

  10. Hi Tina, congrats. Sorry to hear that you are taking a short break. we are going to miss your great recipes. but that's ok. Take good care & we will pray for you dear....

  11. Happy b'day to your DH :-)oru pice parcel cheyyane...
    Good luck and take care...

  12. Belated birthday wished to ur hubby. Take care of urself, dear. Let us all know when the little one arrives.

  13. Chocolate cake looks heavenly. Enjoy your break and all the best:).

  14. Hi,
    conrats dear....cake luks gr8...take rest and njoy ur break...

  15. All the best to you.Take care.Our wishes to ur hubby...........

  16. Congrats Tina. Have safe delivery, take care. Cake looks delicious.

  17. Birthday wishes to your hubby..Yummy choco cake!!

    Our best wishes are always with you..take care Tina..

  18. Bday wishes to your hubby..Congrats and take care..

  19. congratulations Tina and happy birthday to your hubby too!!! the cake looks fantastic, take care!! cheers!!!

  20. woow!!!!lovely cake...Happy B'day to your DH....congrats and take care....

  21. Tina,

    Happy birthday to your hubby and congrats and take care.

  22. Dear Tina...what a good news...I am so happy.....Have a safe and sound journey and do take care of urself and of ur little angel... heartiest congratulation...our best wishes will be always with you....
    BTW..the cake is awesome....

  23. Hey Tina, Happy birthday to your better half and congratulations. Happy eating and happy shopping and do sleep as much as possible for you will be sleep deprived for the next so many months :( I am yet to catch a through night sleep six months after my son is born. So do sleep well it is luxury you cannot afford later...

  24. Good news Tina.. very happy for u .. is this ur first child ??...hugs to u... take care of urself.. eat healthy and be happy :)

  25. Wonderful cake!!! What a lucky husband! Blessings on the upcoming birth of your child! I look forward to seeing photos!

  26. Thats great news.. congrats and all my wishes is with u dear... god bless u and your new arrival good health :-) When comes to your cake that is just awesome and looks very delicious...

  27. WOW. tHE CAKE LOOKS SUPER YUMMY. LICE CLICK TOO. Do take care of ur self and get plenty of rest at this time. This is the perfect time to get good rest.Once the baby comes u will be super busy..
    All the very best..mY LOVE AND PRAYERS.

  28. Wow the cake looks so sweet and the sweet news from you is adding to it :) Congrats Tina sis and wish you good luck. Take care :)

  29. Cake looks awesome !! thats a sweet news.. All wishes and prayers for you ... Take care :)

  30. beautiful cake and all the best...

  31. Tats a lovely way to celebrate ur hubbys bday...I knw knw how excited u must be to welcome the new arrival...Enjoy and my best wishes to u!

  32. Congrats in advance tina..wish u good luck... the cake is absolutely fantastic.

  33. Belated bday wishes to your hubby, and very beautiful cake to celebrate it as well...take good rest tina,hope to c u soon...

  34. take care of ur well,sleep well ..god bless u and ur baby.

  35. Hope your hubby had a very wonderful bday!!!

    All the best to you as you move towards the best time of your life...take care!!!

  36. Congrats and take care. Cake looks lovely! Belated wishes to your husband.

  37. Dear Tina...
    Cake looks perfect 4 the occasion !!
    Enjoy this lovely period of waiting 4 the new arrival & Welcome 2 the even more beautiful World of Mommyhood ...Take Care !!
    Best Wishes 4 a safe trip ...

  38. Congrats in advance Tina..wish you and family all the very best !!! :-)

  39. congrats on the good news. Rest well. Cake looks too gorgeous and sure to taste good.

  40. Thats looking sinful!Perfect for the occasion!

  41. congrats and excellent cake for a celebration!

  42. Congrats dear! Perfect celeberation cake.

  43. Birthday wishes to ur hubby. Lovely cake dear. Good luck and take care...

  44. Congrats dear. This is a great news . My prayers and well wishes for you da. Take care. Cake looks very beautiful....seems a perfect birthday treat.

  45. Wow....a fabulous cake for your hubby! Happy Birthday to him. I'm excited about your new arrival :D Please relax and do take care. We would love to hear lots from you.

  46. happy birthday Mr.husband!! All my prayers and wishes for the new post the pic ok..Take care and rest well. you will need it!!

  47. Congrats dear...take good rest, I am happy for you :) Cake looks so lovely perfect for the occasion :)

  48. Hi Tina, what a wonderful news!!, congragulations to both of you dear.., and the very best of luck, and of course, Many happy wishes to your hubby!!, wishing you both a very happy new year ahead with your beautiful one, I will certainly miss your compliments to my cooking which I always see in my blog, that cute little smiling face.., never mind!!, you enjoy the motherhood.., and have a wonderful quality time with your little one, best of luck and lot of hugs to you love..

  49. Happy birthday to your husband and the cake looks delicious. Have a great day

  50. great cake with a great news! Congrats and wish you the best :) Enjoy!

  51. Tina
    Happy to hear the glad news yarr..Hope to see u soon with ur little one.
    Our Happy Birthday to ur hubby.Hope he had enjoyed the wonderful cake.The cake looks so delicious.
    How are you n how's ur health..Take care
    Entha ippol kanare ilallo..pinakkamano

  52. Belated b'day wishes to your hubby.. Wish you gud luck.. Take care... Hope to c u soon...

  53. Congratulations and wish u guys good luck and a great life ahead! The cake looks great Tina! I am drooling over it now :)

  54. Adipoli cake.. veetil povukayanallo alle..have a safe journey..:) orkutil kanam...:)

  55. Happy Belated Birthday to your husband, and wish you good luck..

  56. Wish u all the best..take good care of yourself...Teh cake looks super yummy..Belated bday wishes to ur hubby

  57. all the very best, tina. god bless!

  58. Happy b'day wishes to ur hubby. The cake looks so rich. Tina take care of urself , wishing u all the best and god bless

  59. Hey Belated Happy birthday to ur Husband ..and congrats to u guys ..All the very best! Take care

  60. What a perfect looking cake... Enjoy ur time now and sleep well... get prepared for the sleepless nights and a beatiful experience - motherhood!

  61. I love Happy Family news such as yours! Wishing you a time of great joy and blessings.

    This is my favorite chocolate cake. Happy birthday to your beloved husband.

    I shall continue to visit and be your loyal friend and follower.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Belated b'day wishes to your love :) Pinne you take good care..all the best dear!

    Luv n Prayers

  64. Beautiful cake, I guess today is my choc. cake day, made one about 3-4 today(diff. blogs)....b'day wishes to your husband & take care...will wait for the good news...

  65. wish u all d best..even mine frst new arrival was born on hearty wishes for ur hubby..tcr

  66. WOW! Congratulations on the great news Tina! Take care.

    The cake looks awesome!

  67. Beautiful Cake .

    Congrats Tina and take care.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Great news Tina, Congrats.. take care..

  70. Congrats! That is a truly beautiful news to go along with the delectable cake. Take care and do be in the loop time permitting.

  71. Thats a wonderful news Tina . All my best wishes with you dear . The cake looks super tempting !!!

  72. Happy Bday to your hubby and congratulations to you, take care!

  73. A belated birthday wishes to your hubby and hope you have a safe delivery. Take care!

  74. Happy bday to ur hubby , Congratulations Tina Take good care of ur self , btw cake looks yummy ..
    missing ur sweet comments on my blog ..Take care dear

  75. All the best dearie.And thanks for the gorgeous virtual treat :D

  76. Lovely B'day cake and take care of your health!!

  77. Sorry Tina, I am hopping after a long time. You take good care of urself dear and have a safe delivery.
    The cake look fabulous.

  78. Tina..thats excellent news..take good care of urself..Awesome Chocolate cake to celebrate ur hubby's birthday..Belated Birthday wishes to him..

  79. Take care Tina... and have a safe delivery...
    Lovely chocolate cake..
    We will miss u :)

  80. Have a nice break . Take care. I will miss u...
