Sunday, October 25, 2009

Chicken Biriyani


  • For chicken
  • Chicken 1 kg
  • Onion sliced 4 big
  • Crushed chilly 8 to 10
  • Crushed ginger 1 big piece
  • Crushed garlic 5 to 10 pods
  • Chopped corriander leaves 1/2 cup
  • Chopped mint leaves 1/4 cup
  • Poppy seeds 1 Tsp
  • Garam masala 3 Tsp
  • Tomato 2 big
  • Curd 1 cup
  • Oil as rqd

For rice:

  • Rice 1 kg(4 cups)
  • Water 7 1/2 to 8
  • Lime juice of 1 lime
  • Cinnamon 1 big piece
  • Elaichi 1 to 2
  • Cloves 2 to 3
  • Ghee as rqd
  • Salt

For Garnishing:

  • Cashews 1/2 cup
  • Raisins 1/2 cup
  • Fried onion as rqd
  • Rose water 1 to 2 Tbsp
  • Pinch of garam masala
  • Corriander leaves
  • Mint leaves

Crush chilly, garlic and ginger. Grind the poppy seeds and keep it aside. Saute the half of the sliced onion in oil. When it turns brown, add the crushed ingredients. Saute well and add the chopped tomato, grounded poppy seeds and curd. Reduce the heat and add the chicken, salt and 1/2 cup of water. Combine well and add 1/2 of the corriander and mint leaves. Cook it in low flame. When the gravy becomes dry, remove it from heat.

Fry the rest of the onion in oil until it turns golden brown. Fry the nuts and raisins in the same oil and keep it aside.

Wash the rice and drain it for 10 to 15 mins. Add 1 tbsp of ghee, juice of half a lime, crushed whole spices and salt into water and boil it well. At the same time, saute the rice in a little ghee. When it starts to crack, pour the boiling water into the rice. Cover it and cook well. When it becomes void of moisture content, remove the rice and keep it aside.

For layering:
Add some fried onions, corriander leaves, mint leaves and garam masala on the top of the chicken. Add the rice and spread it with a spoon. Sprinkle little rose water and add nuts, raisins and fried onion. Repeat the same process. Arrange the top most layer with rice and garnish it with fried onion, rasin, nuts and rose water. Cover it and cook it in low flame for 5 to 10 mins.

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  1. Aah! *drooling* Biryani's so tasty! Cool presentation!

  2. lovely's different from what we make ...our's is not yellow but it's still a chicken biryani n i love it.
    just made a matar tahiri which looks like this...being yellow i mean..:)...have to see more of your posts leisurely..

  3. Buddy, Just stopped by to say that you’ve been tagged. Please collect your award dear!!

  4. Oh this week full of non veg post ? looks nice..hope u enjoyed well :)

  5. Looks very delicious!

  6. Briyani looks simple and yummy dear.. Also the new profile photo looks cute da!

  7. Oh my ... I cant wait to dig in ... send me some too pls.....nice click :)

  8. Ecllnt click....looks really yummy Tina....
    Enikku kothiyavunnu!!!!
    Ah pinne profile pic also adipoli...u luk sweet!!!

  9. Wow!! that looks absolutely delicious. adipoli ayitunutoo..:)

  10. ente ettavum fav biryani..adipoli..:-)

  11. week end special darling ? looks perfect with raita.

  12. You r making me hungry now Tina...very yummy chicken briyani u got there..going to invite myself to ur home soon..

  13. wow that;s awesome dish all time favourite!

  14. Wow looks so yummy and delicious... Ur looking so pretty. Nice click and nice picture.

  15. yummy biryani dear.can u send me some....

  16. Mouthwatering and tempting briyani, drooling rite now here...

  17. Picture perfect! Looks delicious!

  18. I've tried a couple of different chicken biriyani recipes, but this one is quite different... never heard of using rose water in any recipe... great!!!

  19. Excellent presentation!!!!
    Thanks a lot for the information abt duck
    next weekend thannai onnu try cheyyam.where do u live in nj?
    thanks for following my blog too

  20. Check out my blog for a treat :)

  21. i just had soup for dinner and that picture is really making me hungry now (even though i dont eat chicken)!!

  22. im loving it, sherikkum vishakkune!!

  23. looks very a bid biriyani fan..pass it on to me..

  24. Looks so delicious and nice color too.

  25. Very inviting briyani..kothi varunneee...

  26. chicken briyani looks delicious with the raita, where is my leg piece??? :):):)

  27. Lovely looking biriyani. Looks so good. YUM! Nice picture....

  28. looks just like the restaurant ones
    too good Tina

  29. gud presentation....:)
