Monday, January 19, 2009

Thai Fried Fish

  • Fleshy boneless fish 5 to 7 pieces
  • Pepper pdr 1/2 Tsp
  • Chilly sauce 1 Tbsp
  • Soy sauce 3 Tbsp
  • Cornflour 2Tbsp
  • Maida 1/2 cup
  • Egg 1 
  • Salt
  • Oil
Combine together all the ingredients except oil and fish. Marinate fish in this thick batter for 10 to 15 mins. Heat oil in a pan. Fry it well and serve it with dip sauce.

Dip Sauce:
  • Ginger chopped 1 Tsp
  • Garlic chopped 1 Tsp
  • Tomato Chopped 1/2
  • Soy sauce 1Tbsp
  • Sugar 1 Tsp
  • Salt
Mix together all the ingredients well.
[Courtesy: Vanitha]

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  1. yummy!!! I have tasted these fried fish cakes in thai restaurants here and they are really good!

  2. oops..colorful and tempting

  3. Wow looks yummy, tempting and nice color too..

  4. They relly look beautiful and delicious.

  5. Putting this in the favorites. we have fish often & am always looking for new recipes.

  6. Nags, I never got to taste these in restaurants.. lucky u..

    Ann, thanks yaar...

    Varsha Vipins, ishtappettoo...? n thanks for the Lemonade Award dear...

    Kitchen Flavours, thank you...

    Happy cook, thanksa lot...

    Soma, nice to know that u liked it... wil put in more fish recipes as I come across new ones...

  7. i am vegetarian but i know for sure my husband will surely love this

  8. Hi.. Thai fried fish looks yummy...
    what fish did u use for this.. and also can u tell me what fish u normally use for kerala meen curry?

  9. I love all things thai and fish look so good,I would never have the heart to eat it,but I would;)
    Thaks for visiting my blog.
