
Friday, October 3, 2008

Bilimbi (Chilumbikka) Juice

  • Bilimbi (Chilumbikka) 1 cup
  • Sugar 3/4 to 1 cup
  • Water as rqd
  • Orange peel 2 to 3 pieces
Clean and wash the chilumbikka. Cut it into medium pieces. Transfer it into a pressure cooker and add water. Pressure cook it and mash it well using a spoon. Take the pulp through a sieve. Add sugar into water and melt it well. Stir it continously and make sugar syrup. After cooling down add it into fruit pulp and mix well. Pressure cook the orange peel and remove the inner white part. Grind the peel well and add into the fruit pulp. Mix well. Transfer this mix into an air tight bottle and refrigerate it. Prepare the juice by adding required amount of water with fruit syrup.


  1. what's bilimbi or it what we call erumban puli.

  2. this fruit is known by many different countries and is mostly believed to be an indigenous fruit, and in Palau we call it "Titimel", the leaves of this tree are also used in making soups!:)
