
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Palappam Ver 2.0

  • Soaked rice (Masoori) : 2 cup
  • Grated coconut : 1 cup
  • Cooked rice : 1 cup
  • Yeast : ½ Tsp
  • Sugar : 4 Tbsp
  • Salt : to taste

Clean and soak the rice for about 5 to 6 hrs. Then grind it along with grated coconut and cooked rice. The batter consistency should be thin. Then add required amount of salt, sugar and yeast into it and stir well. Cover  and keep it overnight for fermentation. After fermentation, stir it well. At this point, we can check the salt and sugar. Again keep it unstirred for half an hour. Then heat the appachatty in medium flame and pour one big spoon full of batter and rotate the appachatty in clockwise/counter clockwise direction so that a thin film of batter sticks to the top of the appachatty and the major portion stays at the bottom of it. Cover and cook. When the outer portion of the appam turns crispy and golden in colour, remove it. The crispiness and the colour of the outer portion of the appam depends on the amount of sugar in the batter. The more the sugar, the more golden the colour. Serve the hot appam with  veg and non veg side dishes.