
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Dates Delight - Eggless Butterless Whole Wheat Dates Cake

  • Whole wheat flour: 1 cup
  • Granulated sugar : ¾ cup
  • Black dates : 18
  • Milk : ¾ cup
  • Veg oil : ½ cup
  • Baking soda : 1 Tsp
  • Chopped nuts : 1 Tbsp

Soak the de-seeded dates in little milk for 15 mins. Add vegetable oil, sugar and rest of the milk into a mixing bowl and stir till the sugar melts. Keep it aside. Then sieve together the whole wheat flour and baking soda twice. Grind the soaked dates into a fine paste and pour it into the wet ingredients. Then slowly add the flour into dates and combine well. Finally add the chopped nuts and stir. Transfer the batter into a greased pan and bake it for 35 to 40 mins at 176° C. 

Note: The recipe given above is for a full recipe. While baking, I halved the recipe and baked in a 6 inch round cake pan. You can reduce the quantity of the sugar depending upon the sweetness of the dates.


  1. This cake looks lovely & the texture is great!

  2. Wow perfect texture in the cake...

  3. absolutely love the texture of the cake... slightly confused... the quantity given above is for a 6 inch cake, isn't it?

  4. Very delicious and perfect dates cake

  5. Loved the composition of the dates cake. Excellent pics as well.

  6. Wow that looks absolutely delicious and rich with the dates that goes into it

  7. Hi Rafeeda,
    the recipe given above is for a full recipe. I halved it while baking.

  8. woww.. perfectly baked cake.. looks so delicious.. love the texture :)

  9. Wow, I baked this cake today. I was amazed at how wonderful it turned out, very moist and absolutely tasty. I added a few raisins and it seemed like that was a good addition as my 7 year old ate it and asked it to be her snack for tomorrow at school..........thank you. I will surely be making it soon as my husband is allergic to eggs and he loves cakes and this was just perfect. Great addition........... thank you.

  10. This was the best one... Loved it.. so moist, moderately sweet and healthy too..

  11. Hi Tina. I tried your cake yesterday and it came out really well I add vanilla essence and a pinch of spice powder .Thanks 4 sharing this easy healthy and economical cake

  12. Hi Tina,

    Such a healthy cake!! Loved the texture and ingredients also. Please let me know what oil and which brand you used?

    Thanks and Regards

  13. Hi Tina,

    Please let us know what oil and which brand you used in this recipe?

    Thanks and Regards

  14. Hi Tina,
    Such healthy ingredients !! Loved the texture also.

    So what oil you used? And which brand?

  15. Superlike this cake. Also it is fine for diabetics. Healthy cake.
