
Friday, November 30, 2012

Flourless Chocolate Chip Cookies

  • Cocoa pdr 2/3
  • Salt 1/8 Tsp
  • Powdered sugar 3 cup
  • Egg whites 2 to 4 (at room temp)
  • Chocolate chips 1½ cup
  • Vanilla essence 1 Tbsp

Preheat the oven to 350° F. Arrange two baking sheets with parchment paper and keep it aside. In a bowl, mix the dry ingredients except choc chips. Then add the vanilla essence into it. First add two egg whites into the above mixture and combine it. If the mixture appears dry, add the egg whites one by one until the batter is moistened. Beat well and add the chocolate chips. Drop each tablespoon full of batter into the baking tray. (Keep sufficient space between the batter). Bake it for 12 to 15 mins. Cool it and transfer it to an air tight container.

[Recipe Courtesy:]

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Paneer Cake

  • Butter (melted and cooled) 1½ cup
  • Paneer (Cottage cheese) 1 cup
  • All purpose flour 3 cup
  • Vanilla essence 1 Tbsp
  • Sugar 2 cup
  • Salt 1 Tsp
  • Egg 3

Melt the butter and cool it. Puree the cottage cheese without any lumps. Cream the butter and sugar well. Then add the pureed cheese into it and mix till it turns light and creamy. Pour vanilla and salt into it. Then add eggs one by one and beat it. Slowly add the flour with the above mixture and beat it at low speed. Pour the batter into the greased pan and bake it for 60 to 70 mins at 180° C.

[Recipe Courtesy:]

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Muringa Ila Thoran

  • Drumstick leaves (muringa ila) 2 cup
  • Coconut ¾ cup
  • Shallots 3
  • Green chilly 3  
  • Turmeric pdr ½ Tsp
  • Mustard seed 1 Tsp
  • Curry leaves
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Oil

Separate the leaves from the stem and dip it in turmeric water for a few mins. Squeeze it well and keep it aside. Crush together grated coconut, shallots, green chilly and turmeric pdr. Heat oil in a pan and splutter mustard seeds. Put the leaves into it and stir it for a couple of mins. Reduce the flame and add the crushed coconut mixture, rqd amount of salt and a few curry leaves. Gently press it with a spoon and sprinkle some water over it. Cover and cook it in low flame. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

White bread

  • Maida 1 kg ( 7½ cups)
  • Yeast 2 Tbsp
  • Sugar 4 Tbsp
  • Salt 2 Tsp
  • Oil 4 Tbsp
  • Water 4 cup

Transfer all the dry ingredients into a mixing bowl. Make a well in the centre and pour oil and water into it. Knead it till it becomes soft and has combined well. Rub the dough with a little oil. Cover and keep it aside for 1 hr or till it doubles in size. Then, punch down the dough in a well floured surface and again knead it for another couple of mins. Transfer it to a greased bread tin and keep it for 30 mins (without shaking the tin). Egg wash the top portion. Bake it for 1hr 20 mins at 220° C.

I halved the recipe and it took around 35 to 40 mins to me.
[Recipe Courtesy: Magic Oven, Lekshmi Nair]

Friday, November 9, 2012

Jilebi (South Indian Style)

  • Urud dal 1 cup
  • Sugar 2 cup
  • Water 1¼ cup
  • Orange Food Colour a pinch
  • Rose water 1 Tbsp
  • Oil

Soak urud dal for 1 hr and grind it into a fluffy batter by adding very little amount of water. Transfer it into a bowl and add a pinch of kesari colour. Meanwhile, prepare the sugar syrup by boiling sugar and water together. Just make it a little thick (need not be one thread consistency). Add a pinch of food colour and rose water into it and mix well. 

Make a button hole in the middle of a clean cloth and fill it with the batter. Heat oil in a flat vessel or in a frying pan and squeeze the batter into it. Transfer it into the warm sugar syrup and soak it for a few mins. Then remove and arrange it on a serving plate.

[Recipe Courtesy: Lekshmi Nair]

Monday, November 5, 2012

Mysore Pak - Diwali Sweet

  • Besan flour 1 cup
  • Sugar 1 cup
  • Ghee 1 cup
  • Water ¼ cup

Roast the besan flour with a teaspoon of ghee for 5 to 10 mins. Sieve the roasted flour well. Transfer it into a bowl and mix with ¾th part of ghee. Keep it aside for 15 mins. Then grease a plate with ghee and keep it aside. Boil sugar and water in a non-stick pan till it reaches a one-thread consistency. At this point, pour the besan-ghee mixture and stir it well. Add the rest of the ghee in 2 to 3 times to avoid the stickiness. Stir it well. When it becomes thick and non-sticky, reduce the flame and pour it into the greased plate. Cut it into desired shape while it is hot. You can see a detailed version of the method of preparation here.