
Friday, April 11, 2008

Bulgarian Ice Cream

[This is an international dessert which can be served hot or cold.]

  • Egg white (of 1 egg)
  • Sugar 3 tsp
  • Vanilla essence 1/2 tsp

Separate the egg white. Beat the egg white well till it turns thick and fluffy (creamy white mixture). Add sugar and vanilla essence. Beat for another couple of minutes. Coat the inside of the bowl with butter so that it forms a non-stick layer. Transfer the beaten mixture into the bowl. Then steam it for 10 minutes (like you steam idly). Garnish it with chocolate syrup and nuts. This can be served hot or cold.


  1. bonus

    Remember six months ago when that first shaky cam trailer for an untitled JJ Abrams production hit theaters in front of Transformers and then, shortly after, the internet? The buzz was deafening. That first quick teaser trailer opened with a bunch of people at a party and then ended with the Statue of

  2. That sounds quite interesting Tina. Never heard of an ice-cream like this before. Looks good!

  3. hi Teena..i just came across your blog and i could find a lot of recipes that i was looking for..anyway...just wanted to make sure that this recipe is didn come out well for me..did you miss out on milk or somethin??or is it double boiling tht u meant..people like you save lives of us amateurs..thank you for taking the pain to put up so many recipes..

  4. That is one interesting pudding !! Easy ,breezy and fast :) kothiyavunnu kandittu :)

  5. i tried it yesterday and it didnt came out very well.did u miss out ni thing?????????
