
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Beef Cutlet

  • Beef 1 kg
  • Potato 1/2 kg
  • Onion 1/2 kg
  • Chilly 7 to 8
  • Ginger 2 big pieces
  • Garlic 3 to 4 pods
  • Curry leaves
  • Pepper pdr 2 tsp
  • Garam Masala 1/2 to 1 tsp
  • Bread crumbs from fresh bread
  • Egg 2
  • Oil
  • Salt

Clean and cut the beef into big pieces. Cook the beef (in pressure cooker) with salt, pepper pdr and turmeric pdr till it turns tender. After cooling down, mince the beef. Cook the potatoes, peel the skin, mash them and keep it aside. Chop the onion, ginger, garlic, curry leaves and chilly well. Heat oil in a kadai. Add the chopped vegetables and sauté well till it becomes dry. Add the minced beef, salt, turmeric pdr, garam masala, and pepper pdr and sauté well for a few minutes and keep it aside. After cooling down the mixture, add the mashed potato into the beef and mix well. Beat the egg well. Make bread crumbs from fresh bread by using a chopper or food processor. Then make the cutlets, dip it in egg and coat it with bread crumbs. Fry it in oil.
[Fresh bread crumbs are better than the ready-made bread crumbs as it make the cutlet more crispy and will prevent it from being over fried.]


  1. you should come up with a recipe for tuna fish cutlet - I think thats the easiest and best among all cutlets - esp when you have tinned fish available. I used to make it - but it was typical bachelor style stuff - all I remember is : it had tuna, onions, a bit of ginger, pepper, green chillies - all sautéed with minimum sunflower oil. and mixed with salted potato tumble-mashed and made into cutlets. The trick that made this diff from other recipes was the ginger and green chilli combination + the fact that I used to fine saute the tiny onion pieces.

  2. mouth watering dish...
