
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Butter Cookies

  • Unsalted Butter (at room temperature) 1 cup
  • Icing sugar 1/2 to 3/4 cup
  • All Purpose Flour 1 3/4 cup
  • Vanilla 1 tbsp
Pre heat the oven to 275 degree F. Grease the baking sheet with butter and flour. Beat the butter and sugar well till it becomes smooth and creamy. Add vanilla into it. At low speed, gradually add the flour and mix well. Roll the dough into 1/2 inch thickness on a lightly floured surface. Cut with cookie cutters. Place it on a lightly greased baking tray or sheets.Bake it for 40 minutes.

Courtesy: Foodnetwork

This is my entry to the
Hearts For St.Valentine\
Hearts For St.Valentine's Day Contest.


  1. wonderful photograph Tina.My daughter asks me to make seeing this..ha ha

  2. Hi Tina..u got a wonderful blog....saw the cookie recipe..i jus want to knw wether i can use powdered any chance icing sugar and powedered sugar the same?
    thnks in advance :)

  3. Thanks a lot, Ann... u shud certainly try this...

    Hi Jayeadha, thanks for the compliments... In fact, u can use powdered sugar as it is the same as Icing sugar(even, I wasn't sure abt this until recently)...

  4. what is the procedure to bake in microwave and tips to maintain the shape of cookies

  5. that looks delicious. thank you, dear tina, for your click entry.

  6. Seriously I could not move away from your blog and the kind of pics that you have taken.. Amazing. I really dunno who you are. But I am your fan now. :) Keep it up forever.

  7. Hi teenachechy,
    I love the recipies you post in your blogs.
    Looks so yummy.
    Your photos and presentation is also nice.
    I always visit your blog once in a while for your new rntries
    I tried some of ur recipes too.
